I did lots of brainstorming today....the only problem is that every name I came up with has already been taken. Any ideas anyone?? Please?? I'm officially struggling.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Day 331 - All Change?
I did lots of brainstorming today....the only problem is that every name I came up with has already been taken. Any ideas anyone?? Please?? I'm officially struggling.
Day 330 - Ella Bean

Day 329 - Wrapped up.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Day 328 - Wii and Breakfast
Day 327 - Wii Spectacular
Day 325 - Satsumas
Day 324 - Behind Bars
Day 323 - Swirls
Day 322 - Gorgeously Chubby

Day 321 - St Pancras

Day 320 - Family

Sunday, 23 November 2008
Day 319 - Banksy

Thursday, 13 November 2008
Day 318 - Wedding Album
Day 317 - Autumn

Day 316 - Rememberance Day
With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal They went with songs to the battle, they were young, They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; But where our desires are and our hopes profound, As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, |
Monday, 10 November 2008
Day 314 - Chocolate...thank you
Day 313 - Rugby and Beer
It was the first England International rugby match today and I made sure I found a pub showing the game. Michelle and I went down to the Walkabout pub to watch England beat the Pacific Islanders. A brilliant afternoon and I think we could be doing something similar to watch the other matches over the next couple of weeks. There's nothing better than having a beer and watching the rugby...especially when the boys pull off a win! Bring on Australia next weekend!
Day 312 - Warm Glow

I bought these candle holders in Marrakech so it was good to put them to good use.
I also want to say HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY to my dad today. He's celebrating the arrival of his free bus pass!
Day 311 - Winning Streak!

Day 310 - Remember, remember the 5th of November...
Day 309 - My Mum and Dad

It was lovely having them to stay. Dad helped me to hang some of my photos on my stairs and mum took in some of my dresses which no longer fit at the moment. I don't think it matters how old you are, you still need your mum and dad for things like that! They are both turning 60 this month so I'm looking forward to a big family celebration later in the month.
Day 308 - Poppy
Day 307 - Post Holiday Washing

Day 306 - My godson

Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Day 305 - Moroccan Art

It was sad to go because we'd had a great time. We'd also heard it had been snowing back in Luton so none of us really wanted to leave the sunshine and get back to that!
This photo was taken at the airport. I'd been really impressed with the roof as I'd arrived so I wanted to take a photo of it before we went to check in. I love the architecture in Morocco and this is another stunning example of the art work and detail they put into their buildings.
Day 304 - Sunset

Today was out last full day in Marrakech. We had a wander around the main shopping area this morning in the hunt for a wooden sculpture which Nick really wanted to buy. He'd seen some in Essouaira but hadn't bought one because he thought there'd be plenty to choose from in Marrakech but we struggled to find anything which was very frustrating! We then went back to the hotel to lie by the pool for a few hours and top up the freckles/tan before heading back into town to visit the tanneries and the markets again.
The tanneries were quite interesting but reaked! They gave us a sprig of mint as our "gas masks" as we wandered around. This is the place where they prepare leather from getting rid of the fat and hair from the skin to softening it in "pigeon poo" and then dying it using natural dyes. After spending some time at the tanneries we walked back into town and got to the main square in time to see the sunset which is what we'd wanted to do. We went and sat up in a restaurant to get a better view and watched the square come to life. It was amazing and I'd love to be back there now. It was one of my favourite moments.
Day 303 - Relaxing
Leanne and Nick had a brilliant day too and got some amazing photos from their trip. They went up into the mountains and found snow which was such a contrast to me lying by the pool for the day!
Day 302 - Moroccan Man

Day 301 - Marrakech

We then wandered around the markets and got very lost but it was great to see the bustle of life in Marrakech. I loved this scene of the man selling herbs off his bike to the locals. The blue of his coat against the terracota wall was so typical of the colours in Marrakech. This is definitely one of my favourite photos....of which there were a few today!
Day 300 - A room with a view

I arrived at about 10am in Marrakech and had a potential problem at customs when they saw that my job was a "photographer". They were convinced I was a journalist even though I kept telling them I did weddings & portraits. I think they were worried I was an undercover journalist! Anyway I finally managed to convince them and have now learnt to put down "private photographer" for my career.
I then got a taxi to the hotel which was only about 5 minutes from the airport. I had about an hour to wait until the room was ready so went and sat by the pool and soaked up the sunshine...bliss. This photo is the view from mine and Leanne's room. Our hotel was quite fancy but it was great to have a bit of luxury and enjoy the pool. Leanne and Nick had spent the last 2 days by the coast so got back to Marrakech this evening. Their faces as they walked into the lobby of the hotel was a picture with their rucksacs on their backs! I think they felt a little out of place!
Day 299 - Sarah & Andrew

Day 298 - Getting excited!
Day 297 - Packing