Sunday, 30 March 2008
Day 89 - Brolly

Saturday, 29 March 2008
Day 88 - Fun Night Out...honest!

Thursday, 27 March 2008
Day 87 - Green Eyes

I popped in to see my friend Kim this morning to housesit for her whilst she took Rafi out to the park. He was getting cabin fever and she had to have someone in the house to wait for the plumber to arrive. Rafi was very gorgeous today and was really happy to give me lots of cuddles which was lovely. I couldn't resist taking a photo of him because he has the most gorgeous blue eyes. He was happily munching on a biscuit when I took this shot. His eyes actually look green here but they are a beautiful blue.
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Day 86 - Droplets

Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Day 85 - A new Serendipity Sign...or is it?

Monday, 24 March 2008
Day 84 - Mini Wii

Day 82 - The hunt for snow and sunshine

Day 81 - Good Friday

Day 80 - Nearly Easter
Day 79 - Now that's what I call Naan Bread!
It was my friend Jackie's birthday today so we went to Akbars near Meadowhall for a curry. I've been here several times and love their curries but still can't get over the size of their family naan breads! We had 4 between 20 of us and there was some left over! Definitely worth a visit.
Day 78 - Circle of Colour

Monday, 17 March 2008
Day 77 - Irish?

Today is St Patrick's Day....people's excuse to go out and have a few beers regardless if you're Irish or not! I had a meeting this morning and whilst I was out I was asked by at least 2 people if I was Irish! I was wearing green but anyone who knows me knows that's not particularly unusual! It's probably also down to my colouring being a pale red-head but it's all about the Scottish roots..not Irish! Happy St Patrick's Day to all my Irish friends.
Day 76 - 6 hours and home
Day 75 - Aunty Dorothy..90 years young!

We had a party on Saturday afternoon where we caught up with cousins we'd not seen in years. Family had come over from Vancouver as from all round the UK. When a mother, grandmother, aunt, step-mother and friend turns 90 you all make the effort to be there to share it with her! Aunty Dorothy has so much life in her, she's definitely got the sense of humour and zest for life which will hopefully see us all celebrating her 100th in 10 years time!
Day 74 - Strawberry Blonde Curls

Day 73 - Granny

Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Day 72 - Smiles

I have yet to sort through all the photos but this one stood out and so I picked it for my photo of the day. Nathaniel had found a toy hammer and thought it was really amusing to hit me with it again and again and again! He was giggling so much, I was in a lot of pain, but had to get a shot of him laughing! Serendipity at it's best I think!
Day 71 - Shattered!

Today was a supply teaching day....I came home "cream crackered"!!! This was as inspired as I could be for a photo today because I was so tired!! I covered textiles, ICT and 3 RE lessons. When I looked for the set work for one of the RE lessons I found a note which read, "Katy, so glad you're covering this lesson...any chance you could teach my Y10s about Christian Marriage? Thank you so much, they're top set and gorgeous!" Nothing like forewarning!! Fortunately it went fine, good to see I can still pull a lesson out of a hat! The killer group was my period 5 , year 7s. I had been lulled into a false sense of security thinking that being year 7s they'd be easy...how wrong was I!? I think at one moment during the lesson I found myself with my head in my hands..why do they ask so many questions? Why do they all need the toilet at 2:15pm? Why do they think they can get away with being rude and cheeky? I was glad to sign out of school at 3:10 and make my way home to carry on with my photography work which was waiting for me. I wanted to get the processing of photos out of the way as I am taking photos at a toddler group tomorrow and then heading down to Devon for my Great Aunt's 90th and so will have a lot of photos to sort through from those. Work is definitely coming in...I just wish the money was!
Day 70 - Peek-a-boo!

Day 69 - Ladybower

Saturday, 8 March 2008
Day 68 - China Town
After lunch we went to find a pub which was showing the rugby so that we could watch a bit of the match before I had to make my way to St Pancreas to catch the train back up to Sheffield. We found O'Neills which had so many people standing outside it that I thought there was a queue to get in! Then I realised they were all smoking!! As we walked into the bar we found out Wales had beaten Ireland in the match earlier in the day so it was time to see if England had it in them to beat Scotland...surely they would!! I had to leave part way through the match and was gutted to find out the game was not only a poor show but also England lost!!!
Day 67 - London Eye

I arrived at my sister's last night. We had a meal and a few glasses of wine then had a trip down memory lane playing Operation!! Fiona took the day off work today so we could spend the day together in London, we had a relaxing breakfast then I went into town to get some "stock shots" of landmarks. I am trying to build up a portfolio of shots which I could sell either commercially or as framed/canvas prints. I had a good walk along the south bank and ended up at Westminster before I got the tube to South Kennsington to meet Fiona and Bill. We then went to the Wildlife Photographer Exhibition and met our friend Stephan there who is also a photographer so it was great going round the photos with him. The photographs were amazing and it was really difficult trying to pick a favourite, quite inspirational.
We spent 2 hrs in the exhibition and I think we could have stayed there longer if it wasn't for the fact they were closing the museam! Fiona then found a great little bar for us to go and have a few drinks before dinner. It was just round the corner in South Ken called "Janets" and did some killer cocktails...I was impressed we were able to walk to the restaurant for dinner! Bill had chosen Gauchos, an Argentinian Steak House because he went there with work for their Christmas meal. Funnily enough we all had steak and it was AMAZING!! They bring you round this platter with all the different cuts of meat on it so you can choose which part of steak you want. An expensive meal...but I wasn't paying...and it was so worth it!
Day 67 has been a great day.
I took loads of photos today so trying to choose one was quite hard! I've picked this one as it was one of the ones which stood out when Bill was looking through them on the back of my camera. He said it looked really tranquil and he'd even pay to have that on his wall....I'm going to hold him to that!
Day 66 - Jonah

I stayed at my friend Leanne's last night so Ruth came and picked me up this morning to take me to hers to get some shots of Jonah. He wasn't too happy at first but like most boys was a lot happier after something to eat and drink! I then got some lovely shots of him lying on his back smiling at Ruth and then pushing himself up on his front. My favourite is this one of him sucking his thumb....so cute! Hopefully Ruth will be pleased with this one too.
Day 65 - Caroline & Bump

I am really blessed to have some amazing friends all round the country (and the world!). When I left Luton 18 months ago I wasn't sorry to leave the town but it was really hard leaving behind a lot of my friends when I moved back to Sheffield. One of my friends is Caroline, I've known her for about 7 years and have seen her go from being single, getting married, having her first child (Malo who is my gorgeous godson), having her second child, Nolan and now pregnant with her 3rd boy. She's a very special friend who is like family and I love catching up with her.
I caught the train down to Luton today to catch up with other friends but also to see Caroline and spend some quality time time with Malo which was very precious. Being told, "Katy, I don't want you to go because I love you" has to be one of those special moments between me and my godson that I will cherish for years to come! I wanted to get some photos of Caroline before she gives birth. She is 8 months pregnant but the other two boys were early so I didn't want to be too late! Caroline doesn't have any photos of her during pregnancy so it was lovely to take these shots for her and also get some of her boys. It was a very special day.
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Day 64 - A cup of colour
Day 63 - Piano

Day 62 - Mother's Day

I went out on a walk with SWG today. We met at Hathersage station and went on a walk around Hathersage. The views into the Hope Valley are stunning so it was a great walk, although we were all convinced it was longer than the 8 miles that we were told at the start! Part of the walk was to cross a river over stepping stones. Normally this would have been fine but a fair few of the stones were under water and the water coming down the river wasn't stopping for anyone! We all got across and were pleased with our little bit of adventure for the day!
I took lots of photos (which can be seen on my flickr site) but I chose this one for today because these cute little lamb were running around after their mum so I thought it was perfect for Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day!
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Day 61 - St David's Day

Day 60 - February 29th..Leap Year

Day 59 - Fruatration

I had a break whilst I went to Meadowhall for my weekly 1 to 1 session on my Mac which is really helpful and made me see computers in a softer light! By the end of the day everything was sorted but I hadn't done as much as I should have done.
I know this photos isn't the best ad for Macs so I just want to clear up the fact that my mac is great, it's computers in general that got me frustrated today.
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