Today was a supply teaching day....I came home "cream crackered"!!! This was as inspired as I could be for a photo today because I was so tired!! I covered textiles, ICT and 3 RE lessons. When I looked for the set work for one of the RE lessons I found a note which read, "Katy, so glad you're covering this lesson...any chance you could teach my Y10s about Christian Marriage? Thank you so much, they're top set and gorgeous!" Nothing like forewarning!! Fortunately it went fine, good to see I can still pull a lesson out of a hat! The killer group was my period 5 , year 7s. I had been lulled into a false sense of security thinking that being year 7s they'd be easy...how wrong was I!? I think at one moment during the lesson I found myself with my head in my hands..why do they ask so many questions? Why do they all need the toilet at 2:15pm? Why do they think they can get away with being rude and cheeky? I was glad to sign out of school at 3:10 and make my way home to carry on with my photography work which was waiting for me. I wanted to get the processing of photos out of the way as I am taking photos at a toddler group tomorrow and then heading down to Devon for my Great Aunt's 90th and so will have a lot of photos to sort through from those. Work is definitely coming in...I just wish the money was!
1 comment:
At least you're busy with work, its only a matter of time before it starts turning into cash. I have toital faith in you...and I'm sure you'll be swanning round in a gorgeous Aston Martin soon enough!
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