Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Day 121 - Mosaic Portrait

Day 120 - Square Head Dave

Day 119 - Brothers

Day 118 - Bluebell Woods

Day 117 - Afternoon Tea at Luton Hoo

Day 116 - WWF 3

I had some more friends round for another WWF evening, Scott brought cabbage rolls (canadian speciality) and Dave brought Baileys and Banana Bread and butter pudding. I was amazed we could still play the wii after that! Another great evening and didn't get to bed until 4am which considering I had to get up to drive to Luton the next day wasn't the best idea but I had fun! This photo was taken to get all of us in it, I tried taking the shot but my arms aren't as long as Dave's and I cut most people out of it!
Day 115 - Wii Girls

Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Days 113 & 114 - Drama at Aston

I also had an appointment with the Head to talk about how I could work with the school to take photos for them. It was a really exciting meeting and it looks like I'm going to get a lot of work out of it with the possibility of being recommended to other schools which is exciting. As with all Wednesdays I am tired after the BNI meeting this morning but really excited about the doors which are opening up for Serendipity! This is really happening!
Monday, 21 April 2008
Day 112 - Lost love

Sunday, 20 April 2008
Day 111 - Runaway Girl

Day 110 - Derwent Dam

Day 109 - Networking

After the conference a few of us from my BNI chapter went out for a curry in town. It was just going to be a quiet evening but we ended up moving from the curry house to a few bars and lots of wine later. It was a great evening, no planning, all spontaneous and a great way to get to know some the guys better. I took this photo in the Quarter Bar which was empty apart from the 4 of us who went in....great lighting though!
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Day 108 - Oreo

Day 107 - Pink

Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Day 106 - Ella

Lucy brought Amy and Ella over to mine this afternoon because she was going to a meeting this evening and had asked me to babysit them. I love spending time with them and I think they love coming to mine. Ella has this great fascination with the curtains in my living room and loves playing "peek-a-boo" which works for me because I can get some gorgeous photos of her cheeky smile! I know I took a similar photo of her in March but when she looks this cute I couldn't resist another shot!
Monday, 14 April 2008
Day 105 - Rainbow

My rainbow themed week has come to an end so I wanted to conclude it with a rainbow photo. Ironically the weather didn't help me out today even though it's been really temperamental and I did wonder if I was going to get my rainbow as I was out this morning in the hail and sunshine. I had lots of ideas of how to get a rainbow from oil and water to reflecting light but I wanted to get the colours of the rainbow through a stream of water. I got very wet taking this photo but it works!
Ok Ben, your turn for the next theme. I've enjoyed doing a theme, it makes taking a photo a day a little more interesting.
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Day 104 - Violet

Saturday, 12 April 2008
Day 103 - Indigo

As I got older we were taught other ways of remembering the rainbow colours...why we needed to know them I don't know!! This time I was taught: Richard (red) Of (orange) York (yellow) Gave (green) Battle (blue) In (indigo) Vain (violet). Ok, this now means that I'm a very confused school kid...one teacher taught pink and purple, the other indigo and violet! Is one aimed at infant schools and the other secondary? Anyway I've decided that indigo means the darker purple and violet is a lighter purple/pink. Confusion over and here's my indigo photo.
Friday, 11 April 2008
Day 102 - Blue eyed girl

I've had a good Serendipity day today developing links with another photographer in the Rotherham area. I met her on flickr and we both do portraits specialising in Children. She is an amazing photographer and its been great to get to know her and see how she runs her business. Sarah also gave up her full time job at Christmas to focus on her photography so it's been so good to spend time with her and develop lots of networking links. Sarah was working on her photography for 18 months before she gave up her job so is a little further down the line than me and also has a background in marketing so I feel as though I've been learning a lot more from her than the other way around. It was great spending time with her and her little boy Rocco today. I'm hoping to go over to her's again next week to have a go in her home studio which should be great fun.
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Day 101 - Green Day

Wednesday, 9 April 2008
DAY 100!!! - Yellow

Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Day 99 - ORANGE

Tomorrow is yellow and day 100 so I'm off to think up something a little bit special for that photo.
Monday, 7 April 2008
Day 98 - RED

Here's a link to Ben's RED photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bengarside2008/2396409972/
Sunday, 6 April 2008
Day 97 - Friends

This photo just about qualifies as a day 97 photo as it was taken just after midnight! We were at Caitie's housewarming/off travelling party and experimenting with different photos trying to see which was the best angle for a good shot. I think we're both as bad as each other when it comes to criticising photos of ourselves so it was good when we both found a photo we liked!
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Day 96 - Polaroid

March Mosaic

Friday, 4 April 2008
Day 95 - Brown Eyed Girl

Thursday, 3 April 2008
Day 94 - Tell me your secrets...

Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Day 93 - Upper Derwent

On my way back to the car I walked past this waterfall and couldn't resist climbing down to get some shots.
Day 92 - Leadership Team: In with the new...out with the old!

Day 91 - A Pinch of Salt

Day 90 - Nearly Summer

I needed to get out for some fresh air today so went for a walk up onto Burbage and Haggor Tor. It was an amazing day and I would have loved to have gone on a longer walk but Kim and I were going up to Leeds for the evening so I made the most of the morning. The sky was an amazing blue and I know you shouldn't look straight at the sun but I loved the contrast with the clouds and sky. Summer is nearly here and I am loving it, it makes me smile!
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