Getting to bed at 3am knowing that I was meeting Michelle for a walk at 11am wasn't that great a feeling but I have to say that getting out for a walk is a great way to get rid of that "I shouldn't have had those last few glasses of wine" feeling! A few weeks ago I walked (struggled if i'm honest) up Win Hill and Michelle said that she'd like to do that so we met at Heatherdene and had a great walk up Win Hill and back around Ladybower Resevoir. I have to say second time round the climb wasn't as tough and I don't know if it's because I had someone doing it with me, or I am amazingly fitter, or the hill's shrunk. Not sure but it was great to do and still a challenge. When we got back to the car I mentioned that I'd never seen the water coming over Derwent dam so we went to have a look. It was more of a trickle but still impressive. I had to take a photo of this sign which must have been put up in the 1920s. It was warning all members of the public not to wash or swim in the water and if you did then you would have to face a fine of no more than £5!! It's a bit cold at the moment but if you're only fined £5 I'd pay that for a dip in the summer!
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