Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Day 29 - Launch Party
I picked up the invites for my launch party today. My friend Mark put this together for me at the weekend and we were trying to work out how to get them printed. I then thought that it'd be great to get them printed as 7x5 photos..pretty apt as I'm a photographer! (also cheaper than buying print paper and cartridges!). We now have invites to hand out to people and hopefully this will mean there will be a real mix of friends and business contacts to get a taste of Sesame and Serendipity. I'm getting quite excited about it all and am looking forward to seeing some of my photos enlarged and up on the walls around the bar.
My sister has also designed a flyer for me which I have just sent off to get printed so it feels like it's all coming together.
2008 - The year of Serendipity!
Monday, 28 January 2008
Day 28 - Bike Tricks
I've spent the day trying to sort out flyers and photos to have printed for the launch party I am having for my new business in a couple of weeks time. I love this new stage in my life but there are times when it's quite hard doing all the decision making on your own, especially when you're used to working with a team of others. My sister is being a star and giving me advice with her "event manager's" hat on! She's planned out a flyer for me given me some pointers so I feel that that's sorted...I just need to choose about 10 photos to have enlarged to go on the wall for my launch and I'm finding that really hard!
Anyway, to have a break I took a walk down to Millhouses Park for some fresh air and also to see if I could get my shot of the day. In my mind I was thinking of the skate park and there were a couple of lads down there who were quite happy to do some tricks for me when I said I was a photographer! One of the lads took one look at my camera and said, "I used to have one of them"..my thought was "don't think so love...this costs a fortune!!" He then went off and was quite happy to flick, flip and contort his bike for some "action" shots! I really liked this one as you get the idea of speed with the background all blurred. This was just the break I needed to get my head sorted and back home to do more work.
Day 27 - Woodseats
I had quite a busy day today so was trying to think what to take for my photo of the day. I went out to Ringinglow to meet a couple who have asked me to take the photos at their wedding in May. I met them at the Norfolk Arm's Hotel where they are getting married so it was good to get an idea of the place and have a drink with the couple so they feel relaxed with me.
On my way home I was driving up Woodseats Road, which I do all the time and thought this would be a great shot..typical northern street. I love the lines of the chimneys and the cars. Not a particuarly spectacular photo but I guess with taking a photo a day there are going to be many more days like this!
Day 26 - Castleton
Today was a really blustery, overcast day but it wasn't raining so I got all wrapped up and went out to join the walking group for a walk/social in Castelton. We all met at the visitors' centre and then went for a walk up behind Peveril Castle and round along the ridge to Mam Tor and back down into Castleton. The majority of the group went round the base of Mam Tor but about 8 of us went up and over the top...I have never known it to be so windy. I was struggling to stay on my feet as the wind was pushing us sideways. At the top people were holding onto the trig point to get photos because you couldn't stand on your own! I later heard that a 10 year old kid had been knocked unconcious as the wind had knocked him from the top of Mam Tor on Sunday and he had fallen 30 ft! He has a broken elbow but is OK.
When we got back to Castleton we went to the pub and then had a visit to one of the Caverns...the Devil's Arse! This photo is taken as we walked into the entrance of the cave, quite impressive.
Friday, 25 January 2008
Day 25 - Sheffield Life
The Barber's Shop photo was a real Serendipity moment for me. I had got on a bus to come home but there was something wrong with the traffic and we were stuck in a queue going no where so I decided to get off and walk. As I was wandering up London Road this little shop caught my eye; the red chairs, sweeny todd character and the hair on the floor - I loved it! I walked past and then doubled back to ask the owners if they would mind if I took a photo! I think they were quite shocked that I had asked and wanted to tidy up first but I asked them to leave it as I loved the feel this had of a busy shop but without the people. I think I'll get a copy of this photo done and go and give to them as a thank you!
The 2nd photo was taken in Cafe Nero near the Peace Gardens. I decided to stop for a drink and was playing around with my camera. I didn't want to be too obvious taking photos but I loved the line these chairs made with the people in them. Normally I would hate the way the light made the back ground over exposed but here I love it and was really chuffed with the shot!
For some of the other shots I took of an artist I got talking to and 4 friends visiting Sheffield you can check them out on my flickr site: www.flickr.com/photos/katysnaps
Thursday, 24 January 2008
Day 24 - My Penthouse
Today was a really busy day that I only just caught the sunset as it was disappearing! We finally had a sunshine day after what has seemed weeks of rain so it was lovely to be up on my balcony and watch the sun set. It was really cold but I love it when it's cold and it feels like we're heading towards spring and soon I'll be able to enjoy my balcony again! It's one of the places I feel most peaceful and when the sun is shining it feels like I am on holiday because all I can see is trees and hills....perfect penthouse apartment.
Part of the reason I have been busy today is that I have been finishing the album for my client who came to pick it up this evening. She loved it and it was so lovely to see her reaction when she looked through the album. I feel like this is really happening for me and can't wait to do more photography for people.
Life is good...I live in a gorgeous penthouse apartment, have wonderful family and friends and am doing a job I am really passionate about! All I need to do now is have Robbie Williams. Keither Sutherland or Craig Doyle to come into my life and it'll be perfect! ; )
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Day 23 - My first Serendipity Album
When I started my business I wanted to use local suppliers as much as possible because I really believe in supporting local people. I found this lady who is a book binder and based in Sheffield, she was recommended by a friend so I have used her for this album. The great thing about these albums is that they are all customised for each client. This album is for a Golden Wedding Anniversary so I chose the gold paper and ribbon which I hope will set the photos off really well and be something they can cherish for a long time to come.
Today I also met with a potential client about her wedding in May, we met over lunch so I could show her some of my work and talk about what she is wanting for her wedding. It was a really lovely meeting and if this is the sign of things to come then I'm really excited about 2008!
Day 22 - Time Out
I didn't have any appointments today for my photography and didn't get an early morning "supply" phone call so I decided to get up and go to the gym to get out and start my day. I signed up for the aerobics class and got there ready and pumped to work out. I've never seen the gym so packed...don't people work?!! My eyes have certainly been opened to the world outside of the classroom where people aren't tied to a school building for hours on end, never seeing what goes on everywhere else!
The aerobics class was full of....now this is just my assumption..."housewives" who'd taken the kids to school and popped along to the gym for a workout and a coffee. It certainly seemed as though they did this regularly as they knew what equipment to get out and where to stand. I quickly followed suit and got geared up for what would be an hour of absolute agony where I'm sure I came near to death! The instructor came in; a stunning, slim and ridiculously energetic lady who started off by shouting into her mike.."morning ladies...lets get started, you're here to work and I am going to make sure no one slacks and push you so hard." It was at that moment that I knew she wasn't joking and I was too far away from the door to make a quick getawayand go for a gentle swim and relax in the sauna instead!
The first 35 mins of the workout were hell! Our instructor told us that she was pushing us more than normal and was doing a "body attack" workout rather than just aerobics...something was definitly attacking me! After an hour I looked very attractive with my beetroot red face. When I got home I had to have a soak in the bath just to ease up my aching muscles so this became my photo of the day. Even though I felt like I'd gone to the brink of death I have to say that I will probably be back again next week....I can definitly feel it and hopefully will start to feel the benefits. Maybe next time I won't feel so exhausted! I'm defintely enjoying this life outside the perameters of the school environment..I feel free!
Monday, 21 January 2008
Day 21 - Iconic Sheffield
As I was there I thought I'd take a bit of time to photograph the water towers which are quite iconic for Sheffield. There has been a lot of talk that they are going to be brought down soon so I wanted to get some shots of the towers before they disappeared. The amazing thing was that as I parked my car the sun came out and shone like a spotlight on the towers which lit them perfectly against the sky...I counldn't have asked for better lighting! A really urban shot but this is Sheffield.
I also took a photo of my drink for the "cold" theme which a few photography groups are having this month. I couldn't decide which photo to use today so I've uploaded them both! This one is a little more artistic.
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Day20 - My website
Thank you Ben for designing this website and working so hard on it for me.
(Leanne, you'll see I'm now up to date with my blog!)
Saturday, 19 January 2008
Day 19 - Pink Swirls
Day 18 - Jelly Bean Jazz
I'll do a little plug for Jelly Bean because they are brilliant so if you live around Sheffield you will have to look out for them and if you want a jazz band to come and play at an event for you I can highly recommed them. In fact with me as the photographer, Jelly Bean for the music and my friend Kim's Sesame catering company for food what more could you want!?
Day 17 - Blading!
My main worry was that there might be kids from school there but I was convinced that it was the wrong side of Sheffield for any of them to turn up! I thought I'd got away with it until I went into school on Friday to do a day's supply and had kids coming up to me saying "miss, you were blading last night weren't you!" Not sure if that earnt me brownie points or not, I didn't stay around long enough to find out!
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Day 16 - I'm a business woman!
After my BNI meeting I had to pop into town and took a photo of the trams in Sheffield so have included one of these in my "Project 365+1" which means I have two photos for Day 16, I couldn't decide between the two because one is documenting my business and the other is playing with photography..having fun with it which I love.
Day 15 - Reflections
I decided that my photo for the day had to be a shot of Mark playing the piano. I have lots of ideas of how to take this shot and will need to take my tripod next time but I'm really pleased with this shot because I love the classic look of the black and white but also love the reflection of Mark's hands in the piano.
Monday, 14 January 2008
Day 14 - Post & Paperwork
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Day 13 - Indulgence
Saturday, 12 January 2008
Day 12 - My Cinderella
Today was a really special day....I took my goddaughter Amy to see the Cinderella pantomime at the Lyceum in Sheffield. I have always loved going to a panto as a kid so have been waiting for Amy to be old enough to take her and have an excuse to go! Amy is now 4 and this was my Christmas present to her...a girly day out with Aunty Katy and Cinderella! We had decided before Christmas that sparkly outfits were the way forward but she outdid me her pink tiara and sparkly pink shoes! She looked gorgeous and was so excited that we must have looked a right pair as we skipped our way up the road to catch the bus into town!
This was the first time Amy had been to a pantomime so it was truly magical to watch it with her, she was mesmerised from the start and I think we were both transported to another world. When Cinderella changed into her ballgown Amy could be heard to whisper under her breath, "she's soooo beautiful" to no-one in particular! The first half ended with Cinderella going to the ball in her own sparkly coach driven by a coachman and two white shetland ponies...I felt quite emotional as the curtain came down on the first act! You can't go to the theatre and not have ice-cream at the interval so we had fun eating ice-cream and dreaming of being Cinderella.
The second act was as special as the first and Amy seemed to be a little more vocal, shouting out at anyone who dared try to press the button which Buttons had asked us all to watch! Lucy & Kevin (Amy's parents) had told her all about the "it's behind you" and "oh yes it is..." lines so when that came up she was loving it and giggling when Baron Hardup blew raspberries in Old MacDonald. She talked about it all the way home and couldn't eat her tea becase she was so busy telling Kevin and Lucy all about it! It was a really special day and something I will treasure always.
Day 11 - That Friday Feeling!
I feel like I've been chasing my tail all week and don't feel like I'd had the chance to stop and make sense of the whole "setting up my business" thing! Today was no different and I knew I had to get a photo for today so I was trying to decide whether to take my camera to the pub and try and get a photo then or take a photo of my chocolate liquers which I got for Christmas! I decided that photographing the chocolate could be a little less messy and more composed! I did end up taking some photos at the pub but this is a more classic photo than any I got later in the evening!
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Day 10 - Stunning Sunset
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Day 9 - Self -Portrait
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Day 8 - Bubbles
The best feeling for me was at 3pm when I could gather up my things, throw on my coat, sign out and return my visitors badge and head out to the car without any marking or work to take home! I was in the car and heading out by 3:15 so I thought I'd get down to the gym and go for a swim whilst I have the time and before I go out tonight. It was great to get back in the pool although it was a little crowded with kids and their swimming lessons and everyone else attempting to keep up their new year's resolutions! It was so lovely to get to the pool and do a decent swim without feeling shattered and then be able to get home and have some time to sort things out before going out. I think I'm going to really love my new lifestyle and do not regret for one minute my decision to leave teaching!
Monday, 7 January 2008
Day 7 - Storm Clouds
Yesterday was a gorgeous, sunny, winter's day....today was the other sort of winter's day we get! I woke up to the sound of rain lashing against the window and was more than happy to snuggle up under the duvet for a little bit longer thinking about all my old colleagues who had to get up to start a new term at school! It's such an amazing feeling knowing that I'm now doing a job I am passionate about and love, the added bonus is that I don't have to get up at 6:25am every morning!
When I did finally open the curtains this was the view which greeted me. There was a rainbow trying to sneek out but there were too many heavy clouds to block it! I thought the contrast of the yellow of my apartment block against the storm clouds were stunning so this became my Day 7 photo!
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Day 6 - Which way?
About a year ago when I first moved back up to Sheffield I had great intentions of joining new groups so as to meet new people. One of the things I had every intention of doing was joining a walking group so that I could get out into the peaks and make the most of the stunning countryside which is a stone's throw from where I live. Last February I went on one walk with my friend Leanne who was visiting but it was disasterous! Snow, boggy marshes, falling in "vicar of dibley" style puddles and a mix of "interesting" people made me think twice before going along for another walk! Before I knew it nearly a year has passed and so I decided that with a new year came a 2nd chance!
I was among 30 people and sunshine this time round and it was great to get out and spend the day walking, meeting new people, taking photos and enjoying a well deserved pint at the pub at the end of the walk! Hopefully Project 365+1 will have more photos of the beautiful peak district as I get out and enjoy the great outdoors.
Saturday, 5 January 2008
Day 5 - The fun of the fair!
I had to head into town today to order a couple of photo albums for two of my clients! My first orders for Serendipity Photo Albums..very exciting! Anyway I decided that I should take my camera with me to try and capture my 5th photo of Project 365+1. I wasn't feeling too inspired until I saw this ferris wheel which looked a little lonely; the lights were flashing and it was playing out the latest Kylie hits but no-one wanted to play.
Friday, 4 January 2008
Day 4- Yummy
Thursday, 3 January 2008
The start of Project 365+1
3 days in and I have taken 3 photos so I will post them here, explain the story behind each one.
January 1st - Day 1 of 365+1