Thursday, 3 January 2008

The start of Project 365+1


3 days in and I have taken 3 photos so I will post them here, explain the story behind each one.

January 1st - Day 1 of 365+1
This photo was taken shortly after midnight on 1st January 2008.  I was at a murder mystery party with friends and this was the remains of someone's costume.  You could either say it is a symbolic photo, shaking off the costumes of 2007 ready to start a fresh in 2008. Or it's simply the only photo I took on 1st January and I needed something to upload for my 365+1 project.

January 2nd - Day 2             
At 1am this morningthe fire alarm went off in my block of apartments.  I was instantly transported to my uni days when the alarm would go off and everyone would trundle outside, standing around in the cold whilst someone tried to shut the thing off!  This wasn't that far off except this time if was me and the others in the apartment trying to switch off the alarm which had the most annoying high pitched ring.  It took over an hour, several phone calls and lots of sellotape to get the alarm to stop.  This is the remains of the alarm which had been smashed by someone who either thought it'd be really funny or was wanting some sort of revenge!  Either way it woke all of us up!  The good side of all of this is that I got to meet my neighbours for the first's taken a year!  Whilst we were waiting for the alarm to be shut off we ended up going round looking at each other's apartments and I (rather smuggly) was showing off my penthouse! A rude awakening but hopefully a start to get to know the neighbours!

January 3rd - Day 3
Today we had SNOW! Not as much as some other places but as I looked out of my window this morning there was a light dusting of snow everywhere, it was gorgeous!  As the snow was starting to melt I decided to go out for a walk this afternoon up to Graves Park to see if I could find some snow for some photos.  It was freezing and very grey but I love the effect the silhouette of the bare trees has against the bleak sky..winter beauty.

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