I've spent the day trying to sort out flyers and photos to have printed for the launch party I am having for my new business in a couple of weeks time. I love this new stage in my life but there are times when it's quite hard doing all the decision making on your own, especially when you're used to working with a team of others. My sister is being a star and giving me advice with her "event manager's" hat on! She's planned out a flyer for me given me some pointers so I feel that that's sorted...I just need to choose about 10 photos to have enlarged to go on the wall for my launch and I'm finding that really hard!
Anyway, to have a break I took a walk down to Millhouses Park for some fresh air and also to see if I could get my shot of the day. In my mind I was thinking of the skate park and there were a couple of lads down there who were quite happy to do some tricks for me when I said I was a photographer! One of the lads took one look at my camera and said, "I used to have one of them"..my thought was "don't think so love...this costs a fortune!!" He then went off and was quite happy to flick, flip and contort his bike for some "action" shots! I really liked this one as you get the idea of speed with the background all blurred. This was just the break I needed to get my head sorted and back home to do more work.
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