Saturday, 6 February 2010

Day 28 - 28th January - Roses are Red

During this Project 365 I am fully aware that some days will be incredibly boring and I will be lacking inspiration for a photo of the day. Today was one of those days and so with my camera I went on a search around the house to take a photo of a household object! I then came across this rose which was given to me by my very lovely friend Kim. A great excuse to use the macro setting on my point and shoot, get my photo of the day and make it look like I have an admirer! As one of my photography contacts said about this photo...isn't it funny how photographers think? Most "normal" people would get roses, and think "I need to a vase with some water, and put these on the table near the window". Whereas our train of thought is almost immediately more along the lines of "ok, where is the best lighting so I can get a picture of this sucker"

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