This is the very gorgeous (and new) Blair and her mum Jessica. I met Jessica and Alex about 2 years ago when I spoke to them about taking their photos for their wedding which is going to be this year, 1st May 2010. In between now and then Blair has come along and their plans for their wedding has changed slightly. They are still getting married in May and I am very excited to be doing their photos but they have changed a few things on the day to fit in with being new parents and having new responsibilities. When they knew they were pregnant they got in touch with me to ask if I would do my Shutterbugs "Birth to 1st Year" package for them so it was really exciting when I heard that Blair had arrived 2 weeks ago.
We had a great morning doing a selection of photos and I got some lovely ones of her awake but just loved this one of Blair with Jessica. They are besotted parents...and rightly so! I can't wait to take more photos of her throughout the year, as well as photographing Alex and Jessica's special day in May.
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