Sunday, 18 May 2008

Day 137 - Dambuster's 65th Anniversary

It was an early start this morning to get to Derwent Dam to see the last Lancaster Bomber in service flying over the Derwent Dam. It was the 65th Anniversary of the Dambusters Flight and also 90 years of the RAF. I picked up Dave at 8am and we headed out to Ladybower. We parked at the Yorkshire Bridge Inn and then walked all the way up to the dam. The fly over was scheduled for 10:30am. We got there in plenty of time and spent a while working out the best place to stand to get the best view of the flyover. The Lancaster flew over 3 times before the Spitfire and Hurricane flew past followed by 2 tornadoes. It was really impressive and brilliant to be there to see it all happen. The last remaining pilot from the actual Dambuster's flight was there for the day and also some of the actors who played the pilots in the film so it was a historical day.

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