Sunday, 25 May 2008

Days 141 & 142 - Aston Prospectus

I had two days' work in my old school taking photos for their school prospectus. It was so good to be asked to come in and do this job for them because it combined my work as a teacher with my new job as a photographer. I got the best of both worlds with this job as I really enjoyed working with the students but didn't have to deal with behavioural issues or do any marking!! The school asked me for a selection of "life" shots around school which I did on Tuesday. I was able to sneak into the exam hall to get this shot of the Year 11s doing their English GCSE. On the Wednesday they wanted shots of the new school uniform which they are introducing with the Year 7s next year. I had good fun working with 15 current Year 7s posing them in different places around school and getting some good shots. I hope the Head will be happy with the photos that I have taken and that this will then lead to more work with other schools, there's definitely an advantage with me having a teaching background as I have a better understanding of the day to day working of a school.

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