Monday, 19 May 2008

Day 140 - Serendipity Diary

I have decided to take a photo of my diary for today because I have got 7 photography bookings this week which is really exciting but also really busy! This is my first really busy week and I'm am starting to really feel like this is taking off!

I am in Aston tomorrow and Wednesday taking photos for their school prospectus. On Thursday I'm taking photos for a lady who runs her own "house doctor" business and wants some publicity shots. I'm then taking photos for a couple who have a 2 week old little boy and want photos to send out to people. On Friday I'm off to Centre Parcs to take photos for a family who are celebrating their mum's 50th birthday. I'm then taking photos on Friday evening for a family party. Saturday is my 2nd wedding of the year and Sunday I'm booked in to take photos for a 40th wedding anniversary! Busy, busy but really exciting!

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